Operational Considerations

Operationalize Modern On-prem

In order to be successful with Modern On-prem, enterprises need to operationalize the process of on boarding new KOTS vendors into their environments.

The Reliability Questionnaire

A key requirement for leveraging Modern On-prem applications is that they adhere to the patterns and principles of reliability that Kubernetes Off-The-Shelf Software makes possible. To do so, enterprises should consider a standard criteria for evaluating vendor reliability.

Leveraging Cloud Services

It is quite possible to leverage a wide variety of cloud services in the pursuit of a Modern On-prem strategy. It is rarely cost-efficient to attempt to use only owned and operated data centers, so many enterprises make a decision about the extent to which they plan to leverage cloud services.

Data Risk Assessment

Enterprises should look at Modern On-prem as a function of risk and operational overhead. To do so, we suggest referencing a data risk assessment.

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